
Haha!! I make it a point to dress decent or cool for work.

Exactly. And wouldn’t you know it, most celebrities who get “cancelled” don’t seem to realize said “cancellation” traces back to THEIR behaviors. The exact shittiness that causes people to turn their back on them stops them from seeing the obvious reasons why.

I’m sure the Dilbert guy is already working on something.

Cool! Can’t wait for Justin Roiland to create the first animated show to air exclusively on Fox News.

You can continue to see more Rick & Morty since that’s not going anywhere. The plus side is theres one confirmed child groomer no longer working there too!

There’s a significantly greater chance of him being struck by lightning twice, winning the lottery, and being a victim of a shark attack than that happening.

While obviously we don’t know the exact specifics of what actually happened here, it was pretty telling that everyone who knew or worked with him was immediately ready to accept it as fact because of all of their experiences dealing with him and his history of behavior everywhere he went. The number of stories that

I mean, there’s still all that horrific shit of him sliding into underage girls DMs and telling them they’re hot jailbait.

Somebody didn’t watch Rebels....

I want a “I am Worf, son of Mogh. House of Martok. Son of Sergei. House of Rozhenko. Bane to the Duras family. Slayer of Gowron. I have made some camomile tea. Do you take sugar?” shirt first. That has immediately burned itself into my brain for all time.

Never realized how much I missed that dry Worf humor until I got it.

Warranted, but honestly, Hsu’s stellar, Oscar-nominated performance speaks for itself.”

All the reports I’m seeing from actual trans people is those harassers were, as one person put it, “internet shit stirrers who want to paint the trans communities outrage over JK Rowling as some kind of crusade against everyone”. Most of the trans people I’ve seen comment on others playing/streaming has been along

I should be clear: their statement may be what you first read it to be. But since it uses the same doublespeak as the Russian casus belli, it’s impossible to tell which one it actually is.

Jesus Christ you’re a scumbag.

I thought that it was a fun Ant-Man movie. It had a bunch of funny moments, some nice character interactions, and a good villain. Also, MODOK is fucking hilarious, I don’t care what anyone says.

That was always the intention. It was created by music industry lobbyists solely to act as a one-sided bullying tool, which intentionally lacked any real safeguards or serious notification requirements. They and the politicians who created didn’t stop for one second to think about the ramifications or potential abuses

It’s almost like you want to make this about sexual abuse allegations, probably because you’re afraid they’ll impact you, probably because your behaviour is highly suspect.

In soviet Russia, realistic game mode owns you!

I was somewhat on the fence about TLOU until episode 3. I was incredible impressed by the writing and direction of that episode. You don’t have to be gay (I’m not) to appreciate it, because it deals with themes that are central to the human experience regardless of sexuality and gender.