
Just dropped back in again. How's it hanging? Still bored I see? You seem bitter. Don't be. Just keep trying, OK? FYI, never used the designation "libtard" here or anywhere. Ya see, there you go again with your habitual lying. I hope at least your having a good time doing it. Ciao!

Dropped back by after a day to see how things are going. I see the same resident Obama pajama boys are here … Hammy, Waffly, Semi-bored and a few others have joined in the parroting. Still nothing to refute the facts presented in the film. You all hang in there or better yet, get a life. Hammy, I forgot to

Hollywood Reporter: America has surged over 60% and will bring in a very respectable weekend total, though perhaps not quite at the level of 2016. We'll see how it does going forward. Still, not bad.

I guess we'll see won't we? Have you seen it? If not, then you don't have a clue about it. Go and see it and then comment. At least then you'd have some credibility.

Poor Hammy doesn't understand how polling and sampling works. Only likes the polls that agree with his distorted view of reality. According to your ignorant post, no one would ever take a poll about anything. Do you know anything about polling and statistics? BTW: Quinnipiac is a well respected polling firm and

That is patently false. Perhaps in per theater numbers, but the totals built up quickly and yes, of course all movies taper off. It's not like a LOR or other huge blockbusters that have their best numbers on the opening weekend.

Already added over another million and this 4th has been far below average across the board for most movies.

Too funny. Says this after a few days. The success of this type of a movie will only be known after at least two to three weeks. It's the type that will either build or not build. It's not the type that opens big the first weekend and drops from there. Like I said, why don't we wait and see? That seems like the

… in drawing it's conclusion, the study removes the religious from conservatives to make it look equal when by far, most religious people are conservatives. Also, I'm sure they include liberals giving to the latest "TREE HUGGER ASSOCIATION", that's not a charity. Try to dig a little deeper. You hang in there though.

Looks who's talking about where he gets his "news". I get my news from many sources. Again, notice. No response or points to refute truth and facts. Just "you're a joke". Do you normally respond to "jokes"? BTW: QUINNIPIAC: Obama worse president in 70 years, below Bush, Carter and even Nixon. Americans are

When did he say that and in answer to whom? His impetus on the campaign trail was the opposite and what was representative. You should know you can't trust what Obama says to save face in an interview even though it totally contradicts what he had been saying to that point and then after. I'm sure you're one of

You prove my point. Again, you do not understand the words fundamental and transform. You didn't see the film did you?

Straw-man/red herring alert. Who ever said "keep things exactly the same forever"? Another liberal who doesn't understand the meaning of words like "fundamentally" and "transform". Obama didn't say, there are some reforms that are needed to improve or build upon to make this nation even greater. "Fundamental"

Some of your numbers are off or at best, taken out of context. The drop is comparing weekend to weekday. All, If not most, movies drop dramatically from weekend to weekday. We'll have to see going forward into this weekend and next to get a clearer picture.

Did you see the film? Most likely you haven't. This so called "critic" obviously has a strong liberal bias and it permeates his review. So you see … this review wasn't at all written "regardless of D'Souza's politics." Or are you so naive to believe so?

I saw in my inbox a humorous reply to my post. Notice Hammy here didn't include even one point to attempt to refute even one of the truths presented in the film … of course he probably didn't even see it.

This poor "liberal" critic can't handle facts. Why does he feel threatened by them and not embrace the truth. What is it about so many liberals and their hatred of America?