Common sense from a common man

You are 1000% correct. I’d refereed off and on for 40+ years. At one point was asked to start calling NCAA-III games (4 days before 1st game destroyed my R hip). Then this new organization came in, very political, and under the premise of better organization, more professional and consistent, etc. The same thing you

I AM A FREAKING MAN AND I THINK THIS WOMAN BEING FIRED IS A CROCK OF BOVINE FECAL MATTER! I hope she wins her suit, gets her job back, and an apology from the rectal orifices who terminated her.

You’re a special kind of stupid and a dumbass aren’t you. It’s been a long time since I encountered a comment as idiotic as yours. I just read a medical article about people leaking cerebral spinal fluid from their ears. You must leak shi*! You need to leave this forum to people with a brain and a modicum of common

In the words of the immortal Teddy Kennedy (and with a decent impersonation of him and his Boston accent), “Lie after lie, after lie, after lie!” The usual HRC and DNC tactic of lie, deflect, and obfuscate lives on.

Will I stand with Mohamed? No...I will stand several feet behind him and his family in order to get a running start so as to kick them firmly out of the US. I say that without one iota of racial bias. When white kids are routinely being suspended for accidentally leaving a butter knife in the beds of their trucks