Commish of hangin'

that quote about critics is the most self-congratulatory piece of wankery that i've ever read on this site. granted, i don't bother reading AV Club anymore because it's gotten incredibly far up its own ass over the past year, so i've probably missed some real gold nuggets

Agreed, and my fear is that this season will lean too hard into being up its own ass and forget about the self-awareness and nuance that made the first three seasons enjoyable. Seeing that they rewrote much of this season doesn't fill me with confidence. So much new TV these days sacrifices entertainment for

"It sounds like a fairly funny and delightfully casual way to dismiss any power Trump wields, and it’s really just a shame that people in the real world aren’t lucky enough to hear his name bleeped out as well."

If you haven't seen Difficult People, then rest assured- the gay male roommate was far less of a dick than the character he also plays on that show. By magnitudes, even.

No it didn't. Illegal immigration debates have existed long before this last election, and it sounded much the same. I saw it just as an absurdist joke, just like everything else about this show.

This site's MO since the second half of 2016 is to shoehorn in political posturing into articles, either as an aside or as an entire article. That's why seeing the new Always Sunny with an A grade raised a bunch of red flags for me. I'm gonna assume a lot of praise was about its societal implications instead of just

Josh has a knack for finding really cute women.

An overlooked casualty of 2016: this website's tendency to review things as fans of pop culture and to keep politics at an arm's length. Same with SB Nation regarding sports, although that's far less obnoxious to read than what AV Club has become. TV is my escape, and this used to be a creed among the reviewers here.

I'm conflicted. I don't agree with your interpretation at all, I don't like your politics, I kinda don't like you, and comments like these suck. Then again, it's not like this site is free from the whole "this piece of pop culture is good because it conforms to my belief system" philosophy, so I'm all for showing the

Jesus, Modi really is a sack of shit.

I'm the dullard for saying how pointing out "Mike Lazzo Said A Dumb Thing" for the 1000th time, months after it happened, with the not-so-subtle implication that "you're awful for liking Adult Swim content because Mike Lazzo Said A Dumb Thing," is boring and tedious? I think you need to adjust your perspective on

"This show is terrible, awful, racist, misogynistic, and not funny. LOOK AT IT! JUST LOOK AT IT!!!!!"

Tipper Gore and the Moral Majority would be proud that today's thinkpiece-writing left-ish scolds are doing the dirty work of trying to ban shit they don't like. Don't give "intolerant left" types ammo.

Perhaps it was neither and it was just flat-out not funny.

Elaborate, unless you're the exact same age as the baby in your avatar

This used to be a website that reviewed pop culture as pop culture fans. and that's why I loved going there. Now it's the same "here's why you should feel bad for liking X" website as everywhere else, and I haven't bothered checking in regularly in months.

I used to like reading AV Club precisely because it didn't do this crap and instead reviewed pop culture as pop culture, instead of viewing it through the lens of society at large (at least if you didn't read "For Your Consideration" columns). Then the scolds took over the asylum and made it the same "shame on you for

While I didn't watch this show, and as much as Sam Hyde was probably pandering to his idiot fans with it, Buzzfeed has absolutely no room whatsoever to attack a show for being "identity content." What do you call everything that website publishes? The only moral identity content and all that.

Seems like it would get really old to point that out months after it happened, but that's the internet in 2016 for you. "Outrage fatigue" does not exist.

I haven't bothered reading AV Club regularly since end of July/early August, so forgive me for asking, but is this point something that they bring up every time Adult Swim is brought up in any capacity? Because if so, that's my answer to any preemptive "why don't you read it anymore?" question.