
Are you just blindly defending your article Adam? The guy makes excellent points in his video, and he is a maker of custom armor if you look at his other videos.

1) Since you didn't read the article (and aren't familiar with the topic otherwise) due to decreasing marginal returns, decreasing or increasing highways doesn't really alleviate traffic jams in urban areas. It just encourages more people to drive in from further away, leaving you sitting in your lane for an hour no

"Moreover he loves using the word niggardly. A word that has evolved to become rather offensive despite having nothing to do with a much more offensive racial slur."

So, you read this: "I've read a lot of history, The War of the Roses, The Hundred Years War. The World back then was very diverse. Culturally it was perhaps more diverse than our world, but travel was also very difficult back then"

His salary is irrelevant. If anything, his willingness to sacrifice a cushy salary to spend the rest of his life on the run only serves to highlight his self-sacrifice.