
Ahh yes. The RS-25. Designed to fly multiple missions with the space shuttle will now be dumped in the ocean after a single use.

Going to mars on chemical rockets is stupid. We will not go to mars with this. We might loft heavy stuff into orbit. Just like we won’t go to mares in the Orion capsule. Because a year in a

I get where the neighbors are coming from. We have a set of retarded birds that sit on our patio furniture attacking the birds they see in our windows (their reflection) in addition to constantly stunning themselves and leaving bloody beak and shit tracks on the windows, they shit all over the ground and patio door

So the Ember Island Players are holding auditions?

Why the ban on weed? It’s not exactly a performance enhancer. Just more reefer madness.

Wait... so wolf guy chases after worm guy even though all of worm guys allies are RIGHT FUCKING THERE? Am I missing something subtle here other that wolf guys idiocy?

LOL. Yes, he sells space craft to the government. I’m waiting for you to bitch about Boeing now. But I doubt you will.

Simpler breakdown:

Remains at google: stuff that makes money
Alphabet: Brin&Page vanity projects.

Geee. Maybe it would have been better if, I dunno, they hadn’t refactored the entire story six months before release to make it a DLC cash engine necessitating a complete re-recording of the dialog?

Why is everyone yelling?

So realistic the robots wear skirts.

It needs in-game clan support and clan storage. The RNG gods have denied me a ghorn for almost a year. Meanwhile I have clan-mates with multiples. Fuck that. We should be able to trade. Nothing stops me from banking uber gear for my newb hunter, why should I not be able to send it to another player?

So dumb. I’ve only seen the anime and there’s no indication it’s some future world but a purely fantasy setting. They wanted “realism?” In fucking “Attack on Titan?” Jesus. What retards.

The anime itself is silly fun. They have cannons. That don’t work on titans, but imaginary metal swords do? Employed in a highly

So silly. The developer’s response was trite, but so what. TBs butthurt response was even worse.

Did he get any money or did his folks gobble it all up? He was a minor... so who knows what he got.

Well if you don’t have any new ideas, might as well recycle.

What’s the software story like for Nikon? Last time I looked they weren’t very forthright with their protocols compared to Canon.

Yeah, the jesusy student putting their atheist/socialist/wtfeverist professor in their place with third grade logic is pretty popular with some folks. If you're on the books-o-face with an extended family someone's bound to post one at least once a month between the fake founding father meme quotes about Obama taking

Ahhh yes. More blaming the Hindenburg on the hydrogen and not static discharge into the aluminum oxide dpoe that actually did it. Pro tip: when H burns it is almost invisible.

Did you know cars are full of FLAMMABLE LIQUID?!?!?!?! ZOMG!! OH THE HUGE MANATEES!

Agreed. I ride a company provided shuttle bus into the office. While my spine is being crushed by the finest ride a Chevy shuttle bus conversion box of death can offer I get to look out the window. Every week there's at least two near death 'tard incidents. Usually folks on their phones.