
This post could have been written by me. I felt the exact same way /wrt WoT and just gave up.

Then there was a massive steam explosion and everyone died. The end.

I hate 16:9. Too narrow in portait, IMO. Gimme 1920x1200.

Sticking with my "old and busted" Nexus 4 for now.

LOL. Rarely to games on Steam break $50. Sometime AAA title will launch at the industry standard of $59. RARELY. Skyrim:Legendary Edition is $59 right now.

But most other titles are $50 or way less.

But it's the sales that make Steam awesome.

I only hope that after launch MS brings true digital distribution for all

Yeah. When the president guy started his vlog pep-talk I could not longer take the cheese.

OK. Edit. I watched the rest after a break. Love the credits. Congratulations Canadian friends: this is what your tax dollars go towards.

Because when Kenneth Arnold reported his sighting in 1947 he stated they flew like saucers skipping on a lake. The press called them "flying saucers" and now...they all look like that because people think that's what they're supposed to look like.

What he described was not saucer shaped.

Add in new Cold War paranoia

Cop union. Wooooooo!

As to all the "hey, there are good cops" argument...

Sure there are, but not in this department as it looks like (as usual) they all support their perv buddy.

If your union is strong enough you can get fired repeatedly and then get your job back.…

LOL. This went Godwin fast....

We don't escort bombers anymore, really. Anti -aircraft missiles pretty much nixed that whole idea. During desert storm and in Bosnia F-117s bombed high value targets un-escorted. Other times, fighters may suppress anti-aircraft batteries. But the days of massive bomber formations swarming with dueling fighters are

Because it was ham-fisted and poorly executed. He leaked a bucket of stuff that didn't really reveal anything but certainly caused a bucket of problems for the state department.

So I believe he did not give it much thought. The rest is legend building on the part of his supporters, projecting onto him what they want

Yep. It's the difference between being able to fix/rebuild an engine and design one from scratch. Car analogy FTW!

Just because you can rote perform a procedure, or play music, does not mean you will create.

Creativity does not come from memorization. Whether you're curing cancer or playing the flute, or coding.

"made" $200k. That job is gone.

I wonder at that. Asange strikes me as a media whore. Manning as a trouble young man who lashed out.

Is there an airport on the other side of the volcano? 2D grainy nodef video is not very convincing.

It's doesn't need to be "horrific" to break your neck when you hit the wall.

Yo! Something Something vtec...

Lasseter runs Disney animation. He needs to put some smack down.

"(1971 - PC, Apple II Plus)"

Haha. Language? How does it work?

LOL. In hard SF a mere supernova cannot destroy a galaxy. A recycled McGuffin from Alias (red matter) is not hard SF.

I liked New Trek 1. But Hard SF it was definitely NOT.