
booted Durango on a Mac book. LOL. And I went to the moon in my folks old astro minivan.

So she will battle evil with her toethumb?

Oh for fucks sake. A blinking light! It must be aliens! ZOMG!

I agree that it was ground breaking. But many episodes just BLEW. TKO anyone? The opening scene in S01E01 with the Centauri outpost looks cheap and wooden, like the lead.

However the "good old days" they remember are works of fiction. So there is that.

Harry Turtledove fans know that Habbakuk is a great way to project your dragon air power....

LOL. Almost done with the 3D "conversion" on Pacific Rim. Pass.

For me it was the eye candy and sandbox (ish) nature of it. The story was a joke. I mean, North Korea? Riiiiight.

Becuase it generates clicks and page views.

It's SKY CAKE! SKY CAKE, motherfuckers! DIE!

They are going to die on that hill. LOL.

".. often seen atop the Boeing E-3 Sentry"

"Because of the extreme distances involved, the only signals that could have been detected were ones that were intentionally aimed in our direction — which would be a deliberate effort by ETIs to signal their presence (what's referred to as Active SETI, or METI (Messages to ETIs))."

Each an unreliable copy of the fat-ass american gundam.

Might as well copypasta this:

LOL. Surface Pro is an Intel I5 ultra-book running the 64bit windows build.


Sigh. "Adam and Eve."

Yeah, the Yamato live action effort was pretty borked. I was digging it when the Yamato launched but it was downhill from there.

And of course "plasteel" and its variants pre-dates Star Wars.