I’d go with top secret air or space craft before aliens.
I’d go with top secret air or space craft before aliens.
Lol my auto-correct likes Greek.
Don’t forget the time tested satellite.
I’m sure it’s just swamp gas and weather balloons....
Are we allowed to call him the Grand Twizzard?
They need to ban them. Lay bare the process they’re using to do it and when one of the Republicans complains just draw a giant red circle as to why.
They are playing the Ace of Whitey and the Ace of $pade$. That will beat almost any hand thrown at them.
This is my first reaction. Apparently if you’re rich you’re expected to not know things and that is ok...
You know it. I looked for the soundtracks to both of these on Amazon and only found knock-offs and trailer music. That means they are hiding track names.
Another fun thing to do is ask them why they feel the need for a safe space. Are they snowflakes or something?
I agree. This whole concept that white men/people being held accountable for what they say, how they say it, equals oppression is pathetic.
Lots of people are replying with great answers. I don’t see any of the white genocide propagators trying to counter.
I paid my loans off and I 100% support forgiveness.
Well I don’t get paid for it so it isn’t a job. I -would- take money to do it, just saying.
I’m trying to understand why preventing black slavery = white genocide to some people?
One of my hobbies is showing these people where in the bible it says they are breaking God’s law, intent, and expectations, and watching them sputter and cough as they try and justify their behavior anyways. It’s surprisingly rewarding emotionally.
You’re totally right and they will run their adds about it, complete with sound bites, until the suburbs resonate with the sound of pearl clutching.
Yeah let’s see if she feels the same if white domestic terrorism is actually classified and prosecuted as such instead of as lone wolf actions.
Because she feels like whatever she says should be the way things are done. Entitled and privileged are some serious drugs.
I can’t handle what a good Christian she is. So good. All the good.