
@V@no: @Dave Harris: @zross312: Thx

"Foursquare. Never burgle without it."

@Miltank: @vein11: Something would have to act as a buffer. Like a barrier to slow down the data so it could be captured and files. Of course it would be great to know that all tech is trying to catch up to the line that feeds it...but in any case...we will still need a buffer device.

@Miltank: Yep. That's what I'm sayin.

@vein11: What about the 8 gb hitting the drive simultaneously? Where is the buffer for that? I hear you on the hardware part. But unless there is another tech besides SSD, I think the hard drive will be a major bottleneck. Do you disagree?

@pjcard: Umm..."this looks this looks better...this is pretty close to the same"

Isn't there a temperature issue involved here?

@swx2: Look at my comment. Exactly.

@Stetrain: I thought that seemed wrong...but then I ignored it.

Ok. USB 3.0 fast. This...well... 5 years? Ummm, if it was even here in 10 it would change the entire infrastructure of data as we know it. And how can we accept these speeds? Do SSD's react fast enough..or would we have to have new harddrives that are made with silicon photonics memory? And wouldn't all of our

(blank), 3G, 3GS, 4

@dallasmay: It will be 49 and change after tax break..and then 35K after gas savings. And yes, I am more than willing to pay 35K to drive that car.

@Ampere: Yep. Agreed, day 1.

@Nelson: I hear you there. But even if it doesn't happen immediately. Eventually the battery prices will come down to such and efficient and affordable cost that it will have to happen. I can wait.

@stuntpuppy: 2012 . Bout the same time the world ends. Pre-order yours now!