
@Strakus: Nope. The script was built with "everyone is a sidekick" in mind. Not any one main star.

Geeky Girl Hunter is what this app should be called. Cool, even if it is creepy.

@lldsndsFLll: gnr Stvn. H's ls nvlvd n th dstrrng. nd btw, lrdy cntctd Jsn bt ths. Nn f ths gys rlz wn tch st t nd hv bn cllctng thr cmmnts. Pwr t th ppl!

I think 7-10" screens would work well with Swype. But not so much on that 24" one.

@bluescreenofdeath: This comment contains no useful information yet is conversely simultaneously fascinating.

@lldsandsFLll: No rule against what I said. It wasn't even perverse...just stupid side crack to a truly immature overtly sexual post. Plus, Kat is too CHICKEN to respond to me asking what the big deal was. And Tony? Yeh, you know what I think about him.

This is f'ing hilarious, yet amazingly accurate.

@lldsandsFLll: Wow...really? that's even more inane than mine was.

@lldsandsFLll: Some of these moderators are morons. Sorry you ran into one.

@lphJrml: t's sd bcs vn wrt Kt drctly t sy...mmm wht's p wth tht? N rspns. btw Tny Ky s th n wh dstrrd m. N wrnng r nythng, dvwld nd dstrrd, nd trst m, dn't hv hstry f ny wrd rdnss thr. Whtvr Gz. Y r gy.

Food printer? lolwut

@KamWrex: It's not a speed is less strain on two threads occurring at once.

@lldsandsFLll: Read my comment if you don't want to get banned.;