
@EolirinX: Also good points. PSP seems to have only really picked up in Japan.

@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: Nevermind. Found it. Select I forgot twince in parental controls and go to here with the code:

@Hauu: I must have put a PIN in for the internet. Anyidea how to unlock the internet again?

@FP_slomo788: Oh, yes. I agree. BUT, it seems the second that their DS sales showed a consistent slow down compared to the PSP, presto!! New 3DS annouced. So...does that mean that no sequel to the Wii until sales slow?

@mespme: You can buy it bundled for 10 extra dollars.

Not only would Red Steel 2 be a great game on the PS3 Move, but it seems that Nintendo may have lost their "hard-core" audience at this point. New Nintendo system anyone?

@Quilt: Constantly being horny. +1

@Koda89: Sure it took me an hour to read through this carefully and thoughtfully, but when I put myself in his shoes I literally cracked up multiple times.

@Fwiffo: Totally incorrect man. He dissed the shit out of Japan last article. Way more intensly than far.

@royaljester: Interesting as I am from New York.

Oh man..I was rollin on the floor from this one!!!!!!!

"People here are so hyper-used to seeing and looking at other people. It's infinitely interesting. I said in my last article that the "rules" of the "game" of "life" are boldly visible, and that it scares me. Sometimes, however, as in the case of the cashier and the gorgeous girl, it makes me think that I stand

@ihatko: Totally disagree. This is most likely run on a Nvidia tegra 2 CPU/GPU with far better graphics than the DS on much higher rez screens. We shall see, but I think this is the Nintendo next gen handheld.

So weak... obviously he is embarassed about the product sell outs. BUT..considering the piracy on PSP..does Konami have a choice?

I think I just peed myself.