
Im stealing someones comment about Bob Kraft in the WYTS a couple of years back but will Cain looks like a punchable little cunt. I wish I could credit who I am stealing this from because it works for both.

Will Cain sure seems like a knob.

I’m a mechanical engineer and quickly turning into an old man, I work on old cars as a hobby, I still have CDs and vinyl records, I still read books, I still draw with pens on actual paper ... the point is I think I’m pretty well grounded in physical things in a way that more modern folks might not be. So I feel like

i definitely rode the fence with that comment, a razor thin one at that.

That’s great.

I am considering the prospectus that Stephen A only appears on television to present to femalehood the prodigiousness of his extremities, and things of that nature.

Cain was also on Mike and Mike where he argued for like 10 minutes about whether we know Kaep wants to play or not like it means a goddamn thing.

During the first half I had discussions with Yankee fans who insisted that Judge wasn’t going to regress and could maintain his then ~.420 BABIP because “he hits the ball really hard”.

I wish to make my right fist and left elbow cohesive with Cain’s face and Rovell’s grundle. Embrace that debate of who gets what.

when exactly did max kellerman become what jon stewart thinks he looks like?

It’s all fun and games until something goes wrong. What if they fell and hit something, even killed someone? They could’ve killed the guy who someday invents the app that offers socks delivered to your home. Or an app that monitors your stapler usage for you so you never run out. I’m enraged at these two. Their antics

Congratulations, Mr. Evan F., on COTD! I would like to gift you with some pennies paper money which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she finds a car.

If my choice is between getting punched in the face by some asshole who thinks I’m a Nazi because I can’t style my hair any other way convincingly — or look like this:

You can keep it!

Guys, please. We let him take the toothbrush moustache. Fine, nobody needs that.

It is a country road. It’s a public toll road. Just a one way toll road that goes nowehere. There are very limited rules about what can run.


if i ever make it to ‘ring i dont want to drive it, i want to take a ride with one of these guys

I wonder if Kate ever griefs him over his ‘type’? That’s a conversation I would love to hear.

I find the only really douchey thing about Leo is his propensity to date 20 something blonde models. At the same time though... it’s not like he’s coercing these women to date him, and it’s not like they’re getting a bad end of the bargain (unless they expect marriage or a seriously long term relationship which at