
but what if he doesn’t succeed?

just go down to your local bank and show them your white privilge card. you’ll instantly be granted a 60k/year salary

I was expecting some shoveldog-tier snuff

thank you for more eloquently phrasing what I was getting at

serious question: would people be more or less taken aback if the roles were reversed? I get the feeling that if this were the case, more people would be talking about how much more of a great love story it would be, instead of the shitfest it already is

le batard had an interesting take on this yesterday. his argument was that newton being black wasn’t because of racism; it’s because he’s regarded as more than human

this is the same coach who claimed his starting center wasn’t committing multiple eyepokes a few years ago

Jay Bilas rants about shit like this. He hates that the refs have no power in CBB, to the point that guys like K and Bo Ryan could abuse the refs to get all the calls. it is truly bullshit

he’s a great follow, and his handle is even better. Great Black Otaku, 5 fucking stars

oh baby. I used to play natural selection 2 with him and he would sperge out if people didn’t play exactly to his standards

Now playing

“real people, not actors” is awful. but I remember someone on jalop posted this video, so now I show it to everyone else who hates those (you’ve probably seen it):

I know this guy. I used to be in a mumble server with him and play video games


and this part of the commercial triggers the fuck out of me

that part of the commercial drives me up a wall

can we ban danny kanell from living

nah bruh, it’s not molestation; they were just experimenting! :^)



give a man a fish, etc etc. I taught my parents what they need to know about computers, and if they don’t know it, I force them to learn