
I want him to win a Grand Slam so badly

hearing that music makes me want to put on my tracksuit, get some 40's, and squat in random locations

hey, I bought my ‘16 FiST from an autonation dealer in Minnesota!

Now playing

check out this guy’s parody of “scatman,” which is “trashcan,” devoted to roy hibbert

that shit makes me insane. semis I can understand not being able to get up to that freeway speed, but if you’re driving a fucking car, there is literally no reason why you shouldn’t be doing AT LEAST the speed limit

he’s not wrong, though. It’s not even a technicality; whomever is merging has the responsibility to get on the freeway, not have the person already on the freeway make room for them. hanging back has saved my ass several times when people suddenly swing over into my lane to let slow merging traffic onto the freeway

and familia continues to be a gas can in the postseason

licking the rust away, no doubt

about #3: I was taught that you need to be either at the same speed or slightly faster than the flow of traffic on the freeway, as that way it will allow you to slide in. small difference, but I’m always trying to go at least 5-10mph faster than traffic, if applicable

he is platinum mad

5 fuckin stars

I had a roommate who wanted to put the electric bill in someone else’s name (we were living off campus, obviously). The reason behind this was the fact that he literally spent all his money on pizza rolls and weed, and had to beg his parents for money every time rent rolled around. By taking his name off the bill, he

it’s funny because that’s true about 100% of us minnesotans

this happened to me about 5 years ago

I keep trying to avoid articles and posts about José so I can finally stop crying, but I can’t

can we finally kill the equal pay meme? this has been disproved over and over again

I’m alone in my apartment, and instead of working, I’m re-watching everything about José and crying hysterically

I think he’s perfectly happy. big 10 coordinators make peanuts compared to what he’s getting at LSU