
I feel your nuance. I do. (I may not— 100% agree with all of it, but then I’m not exactly noted for my nuance.)

Some glaring flaws in your logic regarding the un-winnable nature of the United States’s wars. You say:

Yup. Bernie’s better on US militarism than anyone else running (save Gravel, who isn’t a real candidate), but he’s certainly not spotless and would require relentless pressure from the left if he were to make it into office. On the plus side, and unlike the rest of them, he seems at least somewhat receptive to that

Those are not the only options. Obviously, the continued expansion is what is important to the people doing it, but the fact that they are also in decline is also kind of significant, like the Kaiser and the Czar entering WWI.

you have yet to say anything intelligent in all of these fucking paragraphs you’re churning out. you have no point. fuck off.

I think a large part of the story of the Trump era will be that of the failure of the news media. The media has had an extremely difficult time accepting/adapting to the present reality, because it’s been so reflexively conditioned to treating both political parties as equally reasonable, no matter what they say or

As much as I like Sanders response here... the reporter remark is what is whats remarkable and insane.

Well the point most certainly isn’t the sarcasm (although that was entertaining), it’s the intelligent, principled rejection of military hostility against a country we’ve been antagonizing since the 1950s. That said...

The phrase “Orwellian” gets thrown around a lot. But calling an act of war “limited strikes” deft fits the criteria.

Everyone I know who has met him says he is one of the nicest people and that he has a great sense of humor. Dude walks the walk.

She’s 61?  She looks amazing.  (This is not the time to snark “she’s had work done”.  I dun care.  She looks good.)

I love almost everything about Alice Cooper, but I do hope this is something they wouldn't really do. Their kids don't need to lose them both at the same time, at the very least.

Yeah man I love that...checks imperialism???

I think part of how he gets more people in congress under his banner isn’t just through primaries and newly elected officials, but by creating a message that Dems in congress can latch onto and use along with him. I actually think aligning himself with the big heroes and making his case for healthcare and eliminating

Warren is too sympathetic to US imperialism

It was largely Bernie’s wake that carried AOC into office. Every single person I met while volunteering on her campaign cited Sanders as a major reason they had gotten involved with the AOC campaign or with other Justice Democrats.

Until Warren steps up on foreign policy, Bernie still has my vote.

Having watched the speech, I think Bernie does a great job of not only outlining what Democratic Socialism is, he directly targets those responsible for the economic inequality facing the majority of poor and working-class Americans.

I think there’s a lot of people like me who are essentially locked into voting for one of those two. I prefer Bernie, but will probably vote for whichever is doing better by the time my state gets to weigh in. And I assume that’s the crowd he’s playing to.

Unfortunately the people who pay attention are far and few between. I’m hoping that he picks up steam, far too few people know him and what he’s fighting for and he really needs to push the “This is how I’m going to pay for it” angle to shut the detractors up. Take the wind out of their sails by explaining it so that