Is that the best trolling you can do? Such weaksauce pansy-ass passive-aggressive bullshit.
Why not just stab them?
You can even reuse the knife you use.
Because shipping them off into the cold of space would not only be poetic justice, but also a long, slow death of starvation and dehydration...
Sharks: Hey! We don’t want your trash!
I say we lock ‘em in a cage and airdrop ‘em into an active volcano. Then stream it for charity.
Why waste resources to ship them into space, when it’s significantly cheaper to tie some weights around their ankles and dump them in the pacific?
You know, I wish that every time something like this happened you could find the people responsible and ship them off-planet.
Stop making guns available
I was just thinking something similar. Capcom should widen the critter pals to more than just cats. Dogs, ducks, frogs, things that don’t even exist, like a mix between a duck, beaver, and otter with a poisonous barb... Damn, I’m so imaginative...
Something, something, good bear with a gun, bad bear with a gun...
Remember when the President used to be called the “Comforter in Chief” and the “Voice of Morality” of the United States? I.e., basically every year pre-2017?
Get outta here with your stupid thoughts and feels!!! Dogs don’t belong in Monster Hunter! It’s equivalent to saying, “oh I wish there were a giant flying cat in Neverending Story instead of the dog!” It wouldn’t be the same. The world would be forever changed! ATREEEYYYYUUUU, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The palico actually has a great deal of choice of both ears and tails. Some of those ears (and tails) are definitely doglike. There is one set that looks like a doberman, and another that looks like a boxer (dropped down). The same goes for tails. The face is still cat-like though.
I wouldn’t mind a dog (real dog), but…
Why doesn’t Obama say “Radical school terrorism”?!
Usually there would be a press conference by now. Same with Hawaii, the missile emergency alert...worthy of a press conference.
i think fetuses should get guns so they can protect themselves against abortion by killing the host, if need be.
The best way to stop bad 15-year-olds with guns is good 15-year-olds with guns.