

You guys sourced a site that is the equivalent of Wikipedia without vetting it elsewhere...

Ha 30 seconds? My transit is measured in hours, the 5 seconds it takes to throttle wall it past you and give you the bird barely even factor into my thinking. However when you're the one guy on 95 doing the speed limit you piss me off.

Leave the speed limit enforcement to actual cops, there are nut jobs out there that will ram you for such behaviors, or as I saw during a rather interesting drive on 64 a year or so back 18 wheelers without speed limiters that will go 80 and in this crazies case not even notice when they swat a car clean off the

Yea, you must drive it like you stole it. I get 15 mpg or better, in a lifted jeep with a straight 6.

Hey a hammer is a perfectly valid tool, she's just holding the wrong kind of hammer.

That's how they mark their territory.

Little snitch isn't aimed at windows since its a mac app. That screenshot isn't of how it normally looks, but is of the list of applications/ip addresses/web addresses with options selected, and the preference window. Normally its just a little icon up top of the screen with the occasional popup asking permission for

Even the bus running the red light...

Sigh, education doesn't matter if the driver involved runs a red light.

Well if the bus hadn't run the red light he probably wouldn't have gotten hit.

Hey you forgot hummers. I'd say the only people who drive hummers are assholes, but I'd be repeating myself.

Meh I leave one hand at 12, and the other on the shifter. Hasn't failed me yet, and until it does I ain't changing.

Where'd you get 15mpg from? The video said that the luv had a fed highway mpg of 36 mpg.

Well here's the rest of that comment, since they had more on the facebook page linked to.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

Yea, but the profit margin on the car wash is quite different, theres a reason they limit the total number of gallons for the discount. There's a gas station near me that does a 20 cent discount if you get their deluxe ultra car wash which is $25, but the limit is 20 gallons of gasoline. So they might "Lose" $4 of

I take it that you've never gotten a sudden onset of diarrhea? where you just know that you'll be lucky to make it two miles let alone 6. I've crapped by the side of the road myself before, except I didn't do it on the shoulder, I waddled with ass cheeks held tight as could be to the treeline to do my deed.

The lesson I saw illustrated wasn't switch to geico, it was don't drive low profile tires in the U.S. because our roads are shit.

Well I bet it isn't too far removed from drug dealer. I know a guy who used to run a chop shop that has a Cadillac setup in typical donk fashion, he gets his parts a lot cheaper then anyone else though because of his connections.