
Yup, and that magically makes it a ok.

Fuck that noise. I can parallel park, but I hate it. Besides even living in Alexandria the number of times I have to parallel park can be numbered on one hand for the entire year.

Okay, the way I see it. This racist asshole ran into a pair of homophobic assholes. He spray painted his views onto the homophobes car, they beat him to the point of breaking bones and then videotaped the aftermath while standing around and calling him a faggot bitch. Throw em all in jail and toss the key away,

Defend themselves? The guys an out of shape vet, and the two who beat his ass are a couple of homophobic assholes. I think this one is a case of one douchebag racist running into two douchebag homophobics, one lost to two.

So no more drunken orgies if I want to donate my organs? Nobody likes to have fun anymore, I swear they are all trying to just suck the fun out of life.

Re: #6, while that might technically be true, most of the time the first year in any model is usually plagued by bugs. There's only so much testing whatever big corporation x can do, and when the bug testing is suddenly expanded into the multi millions, aka mass production. Any bugs they didn't find become rapidly

The lead driver who cause the whole chain of accidents was a 60 year old businessman. I think that for once stupid kids aren't to blame.

I bet you really are the life of the party killjoy.

Any key can be duplicated if you have the original and the right capture hardware with the software to use. However unless you have a key fob that already works for the vehicle, good luck.

Next up we're going to hear about "Cop car of the future suffers BSOD on first attempted deployment".

Well with a governor like Rick Perry that much was obvious from first sight.

Most shop vacs have the exhaust hole the same as the intake, so you can attach the regular attachments to in order to blow things out of the way. We actually have an old oreck that has an attachment purpose built for this application, stick a hose in the exhaust then the attachment onto the hose, and then the


Shop vacs usually have one big hole to suck, and another big hole to pump exhaust. One of ours even had a hose extension purpose designed to this function.

His daddy ain't working hard, his daddy was a trust baby just like him. His grandfather is the one that apparently earned the cash, with a fortune estimated at 1.5 billion dollars. Nope his father worked as hard as he has amassing that collection.

When the other headphones on the list go for up to $1k, I'd say that $99 is budget. That said I think this whole list is slightly pretentious, I've been using the same primal headset for the last 2 years and it only died yesterday. Cost all of $50 when I got it and didn't sound half bad.

Yes, but considering that they do it by warming the coolant which is what flows through the heater core, they do warm people after a fashion. Having the engine be 36* as opposed to say 0* Fahrenheit at start-up shortens the length of time till the engine hits 215 and is pumping out heat galore.

So insulting someones ancestry is your first response to someone? Since I'm not the child of assbackwards inbreeding I'll tell you to go piss up a rope and hang. Or go fuck a sheep like your quaint tribe of villagers do.

Okay political puppet.

Well obviously I could care less since I bothered responding at all. But that is petty semantics, and I'll repeat myself, 40k people die here per year and if we stopped everything anytime anyone died we'd never move an inch. Having a funeral procession in such a city means they don't care about other people, or think