
Holy crap that’s beautiful. Just wow.


As someone who is taking classes to be a mechanic and has a Prius on the potential shopping list, cheers.

I’ll be in my bunk.


The most underated cheap truck right now all the time.

I love this train of thought. You should thank this ugly piece for the 918.

See, even though I disagree, I can’t fault you. This is a reasonable answer.

Wow, a reasonable answer!

Another downvote! Troll post is trolling.

Do we have downvotes?

Love this comment. I loved it, then it took a turn and I loved it more. +1, sir.

Edgy. I feel like for a portion of enthusiasts, some things are dwindling and are unlikely to make a comeback. But for the industry itself (and other types of enthusiasts), we’re at a point of innovation and efficiency. Badges mean nothing.

I work in harnesses, that’s actually super common. Every other call I get is about animals chewing through harnesses. Dogs, rats, bunnies, anything. It’s intense.

This is evil and I love it. Amazing.

A bold move, and ya can’t say the covers aren’t...well, branded at least.

I know this is a shit comment, but the word keeps playing in my head...

Very Geiger. Also, very sexy.

I agree that this is a pretty motor. +1

Holy shit that is clean.