
To add to the others. Ford had a partnership with Mazda since ‘74, the same years the the MK II. So it would not be too unusual if there was some part sharing.

You haven’t driven in Seattle. Everyone thinks they need their own lane, and no one is willing to touch the speed limit. You end up with rolling roadblocks of dumbasses going 60 in all the lanes and no way through.

It is definitely aimed at 10 yos, so its not too strange that it was that “dumb kids show” when you were 14

PC historically means Windows, more recently there has been greater support on Linux as well. Besides a small and largely unsuccessful push in the late 2000's, most games do not get published to mac

They need to do a Switch port.

I feel you. I want to play, but my desire to not be at my computer after a day at work is much stronger. It was so much easier while I was still in school.

Chex Mix, original. Salty, Savory, good variety of texture and “mouth feel”, and easy to grab a handful to stuff in your mouth

That bike is going to break as soon as it even looks at a rock bigger than 2 your thumb.

That bike is going to break as soon as it even looks at a rock bigger than 2 your thumb.

But there isn’t an SI Hatch

I am turned on right now

Typical convention for mathematical solving programs has any number next to an operation in parenthesis can be grouped with the parenthesis as if it was one unit, if they are separated by an operator, then they are considered separate. For example 6/2(1+2) would be read as 6/(2*(1+2)), while 6/2*(1+2) would be read as

Gambling, Commentary, and Childlike wonder


playing a game is fun but watching a continuous, non-exploiting, playthrough done perfectly every time is far from what most people would consider “Exciting”.

Why should you have to sip your own scotch when you can have someone else’s. That’s a business model there. Clothing store/bar that provides drinks in the changing rooms. you ring out everything at once, and the clothes discount the drinks.

By running the machines faster. Other firms could do that too, but they don’t. Why? if the Boring company test is anything to go by, it leads to an inconsistent tunnel. It also can lead to increased risk of collapse and disruption to the surface due to soil heave and settlement. These are things that are controlled

can we get that money into iterate instead of innovate? His Mass Transitand Infrastructure “Problems” have already been largely solved in Europe and Asia. No one can seem to arsed to fund bringing those planners and engineers over for anything more than preliminary pricing.

Yeah, why would anyone go to Baltimore!?

Because China REALLY doesn’t like that Hong Kong has a significant degree of Autonomy.
