
Is it me, or have Ford and Subaru started copying each other’s grille



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I picked up Hyper dashing after watching one of his streams. it seriously helps.

yeah, His mom just died.

In the back there, Bill is like “hAi Guys, I’m here too.”

Subaru Vivio??

Eurosport rebroadcast is always welcome. If there is one channel I would be willing to pay for, it would be Eurosport

Did someone tell David?

I think part of this is just due to the fact that we, as human consumers, have been accustomed to physical products going on sale after “x” amount of time, even if the product still sells well. We do not usually connect that sales in physical stores are typically engineered so a retailer can move excess stock and

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ THE ROADMAP HAS BEEN SUMMONED ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Don’t you mean Suzuk-E Samur-i

I have said this before and i’ll say it again: I want a Classic Citroen DS electric conversion

I’m glad she is not a doctor.

no one said it had to be scaled down

That camera has the exposure reaction time of a plant

Wouldn’t hub motors increase unsprung weight and affect the ride quality?

Wouldn’t hub motors increase unsprung weight and affect the ride quality?

Structural Engineer, And Polybridge takes the cake. Its all the fun and frustration of design and testing, without having to do any calculations

Dont forget the Quiet Spike