
Just a reminder to everyone not to reply to the bigots and manchildren that will inevitably reply in the comments section. Now, rather than reply to them. Simply dismiss their comments and email the Kinja Helpdesk about the troll’s activities with links to their comments. They should get around to blocking the troll

If I see a guy miss a penalty in soccer and check his cleats, poke the ground, pick up some grass and stare balefully at it, I don’t need a huge press conference to know he’s blaming the turf for his miss. Same thing here.

Yes, he did. Even his mea culpa is laced with whine, “5 other players had this problem, so I was clearly acting with some merit!”

Sure is a lot of idiots in this thread. Guy inconveniences everyone and changes resolution in the middle of a match after getting wrecked. How is that not blaming his loss on resolution? I guess kids these days need things spelled out for them since they can’t actually use their brains to read between the lines.

If the roles were reversed and she was being obnoxious about resolution when losing, the assholes on the internet would lose their shit. She has to hold herself to a higher standard than anyone else there sadly. But she’s nailing it.

heh heh

I’d just like to note that Lieutenant Chris Wetter is much better than his predecessor Lieutenant Chris Wet.

I suspect with this individual it’s all a blur where a single call from her feels like an eternity.

This lady, in additon to being a racist, sounds like a special class of fruit loop (O pioneer, if you move to a predominantly black neighborhood, maybe expect to see black folks standing on the sidewalk outside of your house?). But WTF is going on with the Southampton police? Per the Press:

I live near Hanover. Time to move before they try again.

How do games keep getting released with all these bugs? Does nobody have a QA department any more?

“Packers won the Superbowl, WOOO!!!”

I’ve been saying it all along, but would you people listen?

I mean...Look, I’m 35, and I can tell you right now if I had the opportunity to flip a button and only battle other people in muh online gamez who were my age or older? I’d flip that bitch in a second.

Wouldn’t you?

30 IS senior for CS Pros. I’ve seen the videos. I’ve got a job and a wife, man. Ain’t nobody but

5 of those votes shy come from (R) reps in the Philly/South Jersey area.

OT: From a few minutes ago...

Darn, I was hoping for an infographic to show what different symbols meant

Usually blue is drinking water, yellow is gas (or other flammable substances) , green sewer, and orange utilities like cable TV. I’ve also seen people spray bright green or bright orange to point out tripping hazards, like a sidewalk that has lifted in a section.

Please tell me we’re not going to see this image over and over and over again as some sort of proof of god and his goodness and the strength of his will and bla bla bla ....