
Same thing could be asked of the model. I’ve never had the desire to strip down to a hand towel and post a photo to Instagram.

I find it kind of hilarious that nobody finds it ‘peculiar’ that there are two people in this exchange involved. One regularly publicly posts photos of themselves 95% naked, as naked as

This is something I think about often... I’m a white women and I’m very concerned about violence against women. I’m also concerned with racist images of black men that make them more likely to be seen as violent criminals and thus victims of violence. And I don’t really know how to reconcile those two things because

Maybe she’s just not that good? Nah, white man holding her down....

I’m pretty impressed by their ability to communicate normalcy instead of overwhelming status. Some of my barely middle class Facebook friends could take a cue or two about family Christmas cards and give up that false glamour.

Sandra Bland has been a victim of racial profiling and probably unlawful arrest, but certainly not excessive violence/murder by police. To put her name alongside Michael Brown, who was gunned down in broad daylight, is dubious imo.