Comfortably Nien Nunb

This is so stupid. Since when do we care what sports figures think outside of sports? It's sports. The entire industry is full of idiots.

Yeah, my point is totally separate from the music. Maybe it's meant as an epic troll of people that already find him pretentious.

I love the first two albums, but he is really pushing it with the song title nonsense on this one.

Who would you say is sort of carrying his mantle today? So many singer/songwriters out there but hard to feel like anyone really is. Maybe the premise of the question is the problem because what he was doing was so singular and unique.

Five years since their last record, but it felt more like ten - so glad they are back.

In an age where more and more bands seem to flare up, be great for a year or three, and then vanish, it really is remarkable how these guys have been producing good music for 20 years. I'm not sure there's any band that has been more of a constant for me over that period.

I was going to say that the omission of "Jump Around" from this list is criminal, but on further thought, maybe that song doesn't actually have bagpipes and I'm just thinking of the video.

Not sure if I am alone in this, but for me it is Feels/Strawberry Jam/MPP, and anything before or after those three do absolutely nothing.

Agree with one of the writers, "Fourth of July" takes the cake this year.

LOL, I'm not sure that it is nerd-level hairsplitting to differentiate between years.

If I hadn't already given up on the possibility that anything in the show will ever be explained in a satisfying way, I'd be super pissed at the chance there might not be a Season 3.

I totally wore out Purple in high school. Played it through over and over and over…hardly ever skipping to a specific song (although 20 years later, "Interstate Love Song" probably sticks the most). Loved those guys and high-school-me always really bristled at the "Pearl Jam knockoff" dig, which didn't (and doesn't)…

Always had weird love for semi-outliers like "In My Tree" and "Tremor Christ"