
Microsoft: "Psh. We were doing that before it was cool."

Bob's got my back.

My joints tell me when it's going to rain.

Cancer has a very similar growth.

What about it

So I'm curious to know what is the real Bible - or what makes one Bible more real than another? This is an honest question because I see a lot of confusion among the christian sects about this. It seems that most io9 readers lean towards the scientific side and would say that the Bible is a collection of stories that

I will probably get a lot of shit for saying this but I think that religion might possibly be the longest ongoing lie/hoax perpetuated in recorded history. Although there's no proof for it, there's also no definite proof against it so it lives on and on.

and how dare you criticize mormonsuncle from your keyboard!!!

What I'd really like to know the answer to is "Does it matter?"


because America, you communist fuck

Okay if she thinks it is satanic let her pay to replace all the tail lights on the school buses then

Wait, what? You mean he didn't want his kids to see their mother who comes banging on the door at 5 AM and then decides her only recourse is to shimmy down the chimney naked? That seems...reasonable??