
fuck the babies and fuck you

she's a sheep. does what she is told.

Americans are so hard to understand sometimes. I don't want the "well because muuuricans are dumb~" answer - I know it's complex but really what the fuck is wrong with you, America?

I hope so too. But too many churches around me are basically poor people money suck. It's a bit like the lottery ironically.

That's great now her priest can buy himself nice clothes and a nice car even possibly.

come on grandpa

I dunno, old cars look kinda stupid to me (also are gas guzzlers and don't have bluetooth connectivity)

I don't even want to talk to them. Take the order, bring them out. Bring out the check.

this Moore dude is sooooooooooo gay

dat battery life tho……

I hate physical copies.

but isn't it a free country to ridicule someone? are you some kind of a communist or something

problem is that stupid people don't know they are stupid

exactly where they want them.

and soldiers

pfffff adblock to block ads from adblock that will block the ads from that adblock

yeah except metallica stated like 30 years ago

hoooooooooold the fuck up.

"largest d[g]emocides have historically been caused by atheists"

so just double tap and time shows up? cool beans. thanks.