
You are an American Hero Jay1978

though this is one of the best written articles I have seen on here.

You are clearly another Big Gravity stooge.

Thanks Obama.

That's racist!

*May 2015 marked as end of days*

I thought there was going to be one big ebay sale in there but nope.

"NBC! Sunk so low as to shit on Peter Pan for lowest common denominator!"

Okay so plasma torch lightsaber—- Old "reawakened" Jedi/Sith? or newly crude built saber?

He is our real life Joffrey.

why do I want to hit him on the forehead with a 300 pound stamp?

Can we have Car Talk instead?

Still don't get why Xbox original content is a horrible idea or why it could not be distributed outside as well.

The new Four Seasons album is a welcome respite to all this new rap (I call it crap!) and use of electronic drum machines…

Why isn't there a 90's themed Sting account here to reply with a tantric joke.

Also I doubt any contract lacks wording that any money accepted is predicated on a R (or whatever the studio agrees it to be beforehand.)

I saw him 15 years ago in a LA after hours hipster club with a 20 year old asian girl. still remember how disturbingly huge his fucking head was.

Hodor: Hodor of the Hodor
Hodor: Hodor is Hodor Hodor?
Hodor: hodor hooooodooor!!!!!

He needs to have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!

I think it is his old public person veteran way of saying "Hey, I'm Bill Mutherfucking Cosby, America's Dad… tread lightly."