
I would buy that Bill Maher strangles kittens.

Are you two related?

Tru Blood agrees with you.

The accent she carries reminds me not to take that show serious at all and thus enjoy it as forgettable entertainment.

Byron Scott's offensive philosophy begs to differ.

These would be the Manic Dream Girls club.

Unser is a rogue, one who waits until all the facts are in (or all the suspects are murdered) before weighing in. THAT'S how the old timey detectives do it!

Maybe falls in unique category of neoconservative in blue states and liberal elite in red states. But that bread tho!

Damn he has played great parts on some shitty seasons of tv.

"Steal distributor cap off bike of other member ="…Dirty Sanchezed Cap N Crunches.

Same. The joke was writing itself it seemed.

They get the gist of the city, much the same as GTAIV/NYC. Sort of like handing out drunk directions to either city.

Is Panera a liberal elite thing? Seems closer to a Chic Fil A kind of place.

That has to be the reason, no question. Thanks.


Swass is 2nd…

Also, I looked up Steve Earle's music… love it.

If it's not Taylor Swift I don't know bout it tho.

Also, I think the guitarist they interview who was in this episode and the Nashville episode was in the Wire as the former addict drug counselor.

It's times like these I am reminded how much I like the band more than the music.