
@avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus I was in to the sun when it was a gas cloud.  ever since it went nuclear it is so mainstream…

@avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus I was in to the sun when it was a gas cloud.  ever since it went nuclear it is so mainstream…

I wish that I could hold you now
I wish that I could touch you now
I wish that I could talk to you
Be with you somehow
I know you're in a better place
Even though I can't see your face
I know you're smiling down on me
Saying everything's okay
And if I make it out this thug life
I'll see you again someday
I wish, I wish, I wish

I wish that I could hold you now
I wish that I could touch you now
I wish that I could talk to you
Be with you somehow
I know you're in a better place
Even though I can't see your face
I know you're smiling down on me
Saying everything's okay
And if I make it out this thug life
I'll see you again someday
I wish, I wish, I wish

I want a behind the scenes of re-posted commenters.  Do they have an excel spreadsheet to pull up this stuff?  What else is different in their lives?  I WANT TO KNOW MORE THAN WATCHING EITHER OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED FILMS.

I want a behind the scenes of re-posted commenters.  Do they have an excel spreadsheet to pull up this stuff?  What else is different in their lives?  I WANT TO KNOW MORE THAN WATCHING EITHER OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED FILMS.



Not if you ask him today.

Not if you ask him today.

See I would so much rather see the movie that was made instead of a sexy comedy with Harvey Keitel, Ashley Judd, and Stockard Channing.

See I would so much rather see the movie that was made instead of a sexy comedy with Harvey Keitel, Ashley Judd, and Stockard Channing.

I wish Lost hadn't been spoiled by the writers of Lost.

I wish Lost hadn't been spoiled by the writers of Lost.

Nicholas Cage is exiting the most populous city in Nevada.

Nicholas Cage is exiting the most populous city in Nevada.

My best friend in high school lost his right arm trying to be the First on AOL in 95.  Donations can be made to the "Save Yo Kids, yeeeah I seerios YuTbe cmmenter Fund".

My best friend in high school lost his right arm trying to be the First on AOL in 95.  Donations can be made to the "Save Yo Kids, yeeeah I seerios YuTbe cmmenter Fund".

I want a coffee table book of quotes sir.

I want a coffee table book of quotes sir.