
The Coens run their productions with the love and care they give to every aspect of what goes on the screen.

The Coens run their productions with the love and care they give to every aspect of what goes on the screen.

Good point Reposted AvengedSevenfold Fan, I too agree that since school is out the bar of excellence here within the AV Club community has lowered significantly.

Good point Reposted AvengedSevenfold Fan, I too agree that since school is out the bar of excellence here within the AV Club community has lowered significantly.



The last four songs on their debut still hold up and are still good pop music.  And I won't fight for that opinion beyond this post.

The last four songs on their debut still hold up and are still good pop music.  And I won't fight for that opinion beyond this post.

Oh gawd.. everything named Bush is just horrible.  And yeah I don't call that "bush" either.

Oh gawd.. everything named Bush is just horrible.  And yeah I don't call that "bush" either.

Trust me when I say I loath Republicans and everything they stand for.  That said… this was dumb on many levels.  There is no reason to abandon conservatives as audience members. I think they are generally the worst but if it means more money for the show then that is good.. and alienating a portion of the audience

Trust me when I say I loath Republicans and everything they stand for.  That said… this was dumb on many levels.  There is no reason to abandon conservatives as audience members. I think they are generally the worst but if it means more money for the show then that is good.. and alienating a portion of the audience

I would say, when we look back on this whole internet commenting phenomenon, we won't be spared by future cynics.

I would say, when we look back on this whole internet commenting phenomenon, we won't be spared by future cynics.

A great podcast 'How Did This Get Made?" just released the Godzilla edition.  I might have to watch that again just to hear Puff Daddy cover Led Zeppelin.

A great podcast 'How Did This Get Made?" just released the Godzilla edition.  I might have to watch that again just to hear Puff Daddy cover Led Zeppelin.

Eddie brought me back to rock after the hair bands had scared me shitless during the 80s.  Axl scared me too.

Eddie brought me back to rock after the hair bands had scared me shitless during the 80s.  Axl scared me too.

At least it isn't a remake or prequel.  (I know it is adapted.)

At least it isn't a remake or prequel.  (I know it is adapted.)