
Faith in AV Club is never wasted.

All the crew will be shown driving tow trucks or waiting tables in Kansas, living a parallel life.

All the crew will be shown driving tow trucks or waiting tables in Kansas, living a parallel life.

Ha ha, so true.  I gave up after realizing I wanted everyone to die very early in this movie.  I wanted Hicks to nuke it from space.

Ha ha, so true.  I gave up after realizing I wanted everyone to die very early in this movie.  I wanted Hicks to nuke it from space.

After reading the comments from people who use the argument that by the fact that one doesn't create the item that is being criticized there is no right to have and express an opinion makes me realize the mindset of those who really enjoyed this piece of shit.

After reading the comments from people who use the argument that by the fact that one doesn't create the item that is being criticized there is no right to have and express an opinion makes me realize the mindset of those who really enjoyed this piece of shit.

I mean seriously, these attacks on people who hated this piece of turd always pull out that this film would be hated regardless if it was Christ risen.  I know the group of us that went to see the film were totally open to whatever story it wanted to tell, with the small conceit that it would deliver something

I mean seriously, these attacks on people who hated this piece of turd always pull out that this film would be hated regardless if it was Christ risen.  I know the group of us that went to see the film were totally open to whatever story it wanted to tell, with the small conceit that it would deliver something

The film has no mysteries, it only has silly dead end answers.  It substitutes obscurity and banal storytelling in absence of tension, excitement, and delivery.  The characters are totally out of the book of silly unrealistic land.  It uses so many cues from the first two films that you are always reminded that the

The film has no mysteries, it only has silly dead end answers.  It substitutes obscurity and banal storytelling in absence of tension, excitement, and delivery.  The characters are totally out of the book of silly unrealistic land.  It uses so many cues from the first two films that you are always reminded that the

So all these things came together for you?  You felt the film did a good job of telling the story?  You felt tension and surprise as the reveals were announced?

So all these things came together for you?  You felt the film did a good job of telling the story?  You felt tension and surprise as the reveals were announced?

There just needs to be a fan reedit of this film where all the characters are described as being 12 years old but have aged in cryo sleep.

There just needs to be a fan reedit of this film where all the characters are described as being 12 years old but have aged in cryo sleep.

Where's Engineer at? … Where's the boy, String?

Where's Engineer at? … Where's the boy, String?

Why doesn't Elba just change his name to Stringer Bell?  I mean is anybody not going to go see a film with the headline

Why doesn't Elba just change his name to Stringer Bell?  I mean is anybody not going to go see a film with the headline

Whether Theron was a daughter, android or even a close employee to Weyland is ultimately irrelevant by the fact that that there is no through-line to her character.