
Because no one knew that you shouldn't murder people until they read The Way To Happiness. The CoS sends buttloads of those books in every language known to man with your money and somehow that's supposed to get more people on the bridge? Oh and the part where it says "don't tell harmful lies" is hilarious, because

I've actually never read it and wouldn't want to waste my time on any more LRH gobbledygook than I already have.. But to me (and judging from the way you presented it) it seems like one of those introductory books that only covers from preclear to clear and is more of a disingenuous pitch book, like The Way To

Fundamentals of Thought is what Scientology really is for someone just starting on the bridge. You're told about how awesome everything is going to be when you're Clear, how you'll have a perfect memory, higher IQ and such. Then after you give them a bunch of money and they decide you're Clear, that's their "but wait

No, that's what the bogus Sunday services and priest-like get ups were done for. The Xenu story was LRH's excuse for why people who he deemed had gone "clear" weren't experiencing the benefits that he advertised. Every time people caught on to the fact that what he was peddling didn't provide results he claimed, he'd

But it actually is how you get ants.

Psychiatrists HATE HIM! Find out how to improve your mental well-being using this one weird trick!

Yiffing hell.