
Yep. I’m pretty disgusted with this. It’s essentially the antithesis of everything they claim to be about - ending rape culture, not stigmatizing or further traumatizing victims, etc. It’s not right.

How fucking horrible of a human being do you have to be to force a rape victim to deal with the horror of not just being raped, but then having her assault be visible for millions of people to see, where it will remain for all time.

Exactly. I’ve been reading Jez and Gawker for years, mainly for the comments. But after this clear exploitation, it’s time to move on. Unbelievable. I have no words right now for how rock bottom the writer of this article has hit.

How do you rehabilitate a false image? That’s her problem. She’s facing the natural blowback of a series of very poor decisions. If she wants redemption, she needs to acknowledge that she’s playing a black person, that she’s not black, that she cannot reasonably expect to continue living in this persona she created.

She’s really gunning for that book deal.

They’re a troll who above in an apparently now dismissed comment said that people who are unconscious while being raped do not suffer any trauma and then said they found a “study” showing that to be the case while linking about an economics professor who suggested in a blog post that raping an unconscious person

Are you sure? I just called and I think Hamno answered! Then I giggled and hung up.

On that note, it would have been really nice had there been a link to the original story rather than a screenshot of this poor woman’s rape. >=/

Right? Which part of all the twerking asses for the camera and crop tops and slightly parted red lips were not male gaze oriented?

the conspicuous absence of the male gaze

What the fuck is wrong with you, Jezebel? Do you want the video footage from my rape too so you can write an article about it? So you can further exploit someone’s vulnerability and hide it behind your mask of faux feminism?

I guess you didn’t get the memo from Denton, but Jezebel is going to be the new Gawker (it’s true) while Gawker will focus on politics. So, yeah, expect more sensationalist clickbait on Jezebel.

Yeti videos operate much like Snapchat is supposed to .... they go away after a while so only the most current ones are available, even through the peeking function. Fortunately for this young woman her violation cannot be seen now by the general public or in the future.

How else would they get clicks?

Maybe don’t post a screenshot of what could be someone's trauma? Please? For the love of god...

WTF. Why are you distributing these images in this post, and via Twitter?!?! It’s completely insensitive to your readers and to the victim. You’ve been click-bait for some time, but this is just disgusting.

No, I think the comment you’re talking about is something similar to a Facebook “share” or retweet on Twitter. The original video was uploaded to Yeti, intentionally it sounds like, and definitely not by someone who was trying to stop a rape in progress. Although I really wish that was the case, because as awful as it

Jesus Christ. (Assuming) a girl has already been raped, and you have to go and post video footage of the unbelievably traumatic assault online for the entire world to view? How fucking horrible of a human being do you have to be to force a rape victim to deal with the horror of not just being raped, but then having

In a series of tweets, the bigoted folk hero accused a woman of sleeping with a “dirty Muslim,”

Feel the need to rant.