Come On In Here

This is really too many comments.


Where is the embassy for the United States of Bonerland?

Hmmm. I guess they did reference it from time to time.

I know. I saw that episode and thought, woah. That changes everything, but then nothing changed.


Sugar + Oral = Funk in the hoo!

You know what's wrong with me
You know phrenology
You saw my injury
You could tell just by looking at my cranial ridges

Is this an episode of I Love Star Trek Films?

For me, every Arcade Fire album is 2/3 awesome and 1/3 utter crap. So, Everything Now really just continued the streak.

The more you think about the more Win was right and that was a stupid question to ask him.

Milana Vayntrub!

Alex Kurtzman telling Les Moonves, “We wanted it to be good,”

Funny enough you can spend less for Val Kilmer's autograph at this year's Salt Lake Comic Con.

This year has Dick Van Dyke! DVD 4 EVA!!!

SLCC can't get the best of guest (Though 2015 Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan were pretty big draws and last year's Mark Hamill panel, followed by Shatner, filled up the lower bowl of the arena where the Jazz play), but Utah has a huge nerd culture. They easily get 100K there for the actual Con and 50K for the smaller

The 80s were a different time.

American Fruit Ninja Warrior

Oh hai Zach and Coke.
