Come On In Here

Why would the Doctor need to menstruate? Time Lord's procreate using looms or some nonsense like that.

I mean, neither Clara nor Bill really fell for the 12th Doctor, and in fact the 12th Doctor kind of made fun of Clara for sort of swooning over the 11th Doctor (Answer the call, that's your boyfriend). That being said you are correct in that as much as I want them too they aren't going to have a 20 year old hot guy

I'll watch this

I'd watch that

I'd watch that!

We did it guys! (And by we, I mean Erik)

I hear that the Doctor Who schedule is really really demanding and that it just wears you down after a few years.

I'd watch that

I'd watch that.

I'd watch that.

It's Kris Marshall.

I'd watch that .

I'd watch that

I'd watch that.

I wouldn't watch that.

I'd watch that .

I'm taking this TARDIS by the reigns
Making Red Daleks redder with bloodstains
And I’m never gonna stop until I make ‘em
Drop and burn ‘em up and scatter their remains, I’m
Watch me engagin’ em! Escapin’ em!
Enragin’ em! I’m—

I'd watch that ,

I'd watch that .

I'd watch that