Yeah, I'm one of a select few of people!!!
Yeah, I'm one of a select few of people!!!
Hey look, the picture of the "Gentleman's F" article is Gerard Butler!!!!!!
Young Guns (and Young Guns 2) is the best western of the later 20th century and is a hell of a good time. I'm glad it got some run here.
Shoot the hostage!
Reality shows all have the same re-watch value as sports. Which, if all you care about is who wins and who loses, is zero.
Meh, if $6 is real money. I just skip a lunch a month and make it up by watching the Price is Right or Survivor or Colbert or The Amazing Race whenever I want. I wouldn't get CBS All Access if I had a DVR or if I didn't have an Apple TV, but I like it for what it is.
"No one wants to re-watch old seasons of Survivor"
The latest episode of The Serial Cereal Serial is now live on iTunes. On it, we discuss the trade secrets of Malt-O-Meal. (There's a reason we need the bad of cereal in the box!) We also talk about whether or not there is a difference between Marshmellow Mateys and Lucky Charms and, you know, the whole Bowe Bergdahl…
I can too! I can also picture Tom Lehrer singing this!
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,
And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium,
And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,
And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium,
Dear Arby's,
How I met your great great grandmother.
"put two pads of butter on each, liberally sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on them, put them under the broiler until the butter melts and the sugar caramelizes, and quickly transfer them into a bowl and pour milk on them while they're still hot so that the milk makes a sizzle."
This week on the Serial Cereal Serial, we discuss Bergdahl's mental health while eating unfrosted shredded wheat, which is something only insane people do anyways.
The real president died in the midst of having sex with an aide. It was what everyone dreamed was going to happen to Clinton.
The thing I love about "Did you vote for who I told you?" is how, in a very public and open way, Natalie is able to show everyone that she was in charge, no questions asked.
Reed's speech in SJDS gets the closest, but still fails. The key is to find an apt analogy that can fit in beautifully with the narrative of the season. While Reed's "Evil Stepmother" speech nailed the character aspect, it failed to fit the overall theme of the season as well as Sue's speech. Also, there was less…
Can I buy a vowel, Vanna, if you know what I mean?