You really just sound like part of the cancer.
You really just sound like part of the cancer.
I’m so sick of hearing about gay characters in this game. Who gives a shit? They are video game characters. People really need to chill the fuck out with it. Making any/all of these characters gay is literally going to have zero impact on virtually anything.
I have to say, I admire his ability to ignore this election.
How about fuck you.
This was so awesome. I could seriously watch hours of them going back and forth.
That Kaepernick guy sure does a lot to fight the injustices he sits down about.
As dumb as her tweet was what does it have to do with race? Why did you make that immediate jump to race?
Call me crazy but my favorite games in the series were MW2, and eventually MW3 as it was just the natural progression of MW2. I played the shit out of MW3. The stories in all these games are ridiculous, but the MW series at least seemed almost slightly plausible.
Just another classy Ohio State athlete. Nothing to see here.
Am I the only person that doesn’t care about getting play of the game, or care if they change it? It’s for the lulz
I mean he kind of has a point. I was all huffy and puffy for season 1 regarding my ranking, but after seeing how broken the system is as a whole, and how an individuals skill is completely ignored in regards to your rank, I’ve pretty much just stopped caring at all about competitive. The ONLY reason I play it anymore…
Eh, you’re just going to have more people drop when they can’t pick the character they want to play as (I saw it a TON in Junkenstein when Ana was the only remaining choice). I totally understand what your saying, but there’s going to be a negative side to it as well. You have to admit, sometimes it’s really nice to…
Not necessarily. Since the games launch Blizzard has been pretty consistent with adding “big” patches every 2-3 months. With the new arcade mode being implemented, I wouldn’t be completely shocked if they start rolling out game modes a bit faster.
Junkenstein was great but it started to get really hard to find groups on PS4 after the initial release. I can’t even count the number of games I had where someone would bail because they were forced to play Ana.
Wait, are you saying Roadhog isn’t a tank? Because if that’s what your saying you need to tweak your play style to more of being a tank and less of trying to be a DPS. You can get kills and tank perfectly fine so long as you know how to restrain yourself and stick to the objective. D.Va is very similar in practice.
This show was unbelievably awful.
Eh, quick play is a nice break from competitive, and to put it simply, sometimes I just don’t give a shit and I want to play X character, regardless of party makeup. If someone picks Tracer after me, so be it. I don’t give a shit. I’m not changing. I play quick play when competitive gets too serious to lighten things…
There are TONS of characters they’ve shown but haven’t mentioned yet. I really wonder just how big they will make the roster before they stop supporting the game.
Are your voice actors fabulous and know all the best words?
I mean this sounds awesome but I’d honestly rather it be a true remake that gave the original diablo a facelift. The graphics downgrade is honestly fine, but the 8 direction limit doesn’t sound all that great in today’s world. I’m afraid this will be too far of a detachment from the current game. I understand what…