
It’s been a little over a year since I’ve played, but I kinda want to get back into this

A whole post for like 8 shitty names?

For god sakes, just completely absorb Kotaku into Cosplay already.

I laughed way harder than I should have at this

This show is fantastic, but it’s also full of enormous plot holes that really ruin the whole thing if you attempt to think about it.

Is the story completely nonsensical bullshit like the last few entries ?

Is it really necessary to post everything related to cosplay? Can you just simply post the GOOD, or GREAT cosplay? Some of these cosplay posts are just awful. If it is mandatory for writers to post this shit, can you keep it to the cosplay boards and stop it from constantly spilling into Kotaku?

That’s what she said

One day it will probably be a necessary conversation. As of now we are no where near that.

Not that west world is even attempting to be historically accurate, but (brace yourself) historically speaking, wemon and minorities, didn’t exactly fair too well in the old days.

You are BLIND. Genji is slept almost immediately after dashing to Ana. Mei’s ult is a response to the enemy Lucio’s ult. Watch the video a few times before trying to sound like you know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Yeah... she didn’t help at all except for keeping him frozen for the killing blow...

How the fuck this wasn’t mentioned in the write up is beyond me

Counter point: Kotaku covers competitive gaming, way to much.

Can’t tell if joking 🤔

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is almost pure luck.

What a dickless move

Just passive aggressive, really

Not trying to argue with you, but I don’t believe this falls under any type of threat. This is depiction. You could depict the president doing literally anything though virtually any medium, and you’re safe by legal standards.

10? I could willingly piss in front of anyone. The best part of being a man is pissing standing up and having the ability to piss nearly anywhere you want. I actually prefer to piss outside. Pull your dick out and show ‘em whos boss