Comedy Gold Jerry

Indeed, blocked his dumb ass a long time ago.

As has been said countless times before, this'll be the presidency that'll age us in dog years.

"Electric Love" did suck but not so much shouty warbing as somewhat intelligible Bee Gees esque disco songs.

Oh, 112… k.

Even John himself addressed how many outlets used "destroyed" in reference to episodes of LWT.

I thought it was progressively poisoning Trump until he has a coronary.

Watch John Oliver DESTRUCTIVELY UNCOVER Trump's ties to Putin!

"It's an anti-Muslim hate site run by Pam Geller, a big anti-Muslim bigot and conspiracy theorist who pushes the idea that all Muslims are terrorists."

That's the trouble, what action is the right one to take? Can't go violent because it feeds into their rhetoric, can't sit and ignore it because they'll steamroll you, there's no good answer to this issue.

Gotta hate on something aimlessly in order to be heard.

It's a weird thing but no eyes does tend to mean they're just moving props, even droids get more consideration than some eyeless schmoe.

I didn't read what he said and I'm not a fan nor dislike the guy, give a quick precis maybe?

I'm not American so don't really have a horse in that race but what'd be the better way to react?

Guess we should be glad you're around to tell us we're doing it wrong.

And that's the problem, moral high grounds mean nothing if you're going to end up losing that ground eventually because you thought they'd change. Play at their level, get dirty, fight for your damn high ground because talk is cheap but action is effective.

I ain't your guy, pal!

Don't think you understand this site, buddy. This isn't Politico where you come for reasoned thoughts with your news. Man, the right wing sites must be bussing you internet tough guys out here.

The best we have is "resist", that's okay but it's not pushing forward, it's trying to stand whereas the right went on the attack when cornered. Why aren't we doing that?

Drunk O'Neal jokes will not be stopped by guilt.