Comedy Gold Jerry

Very rarely, I think you can point to Hey Arnold but very few other shows when it comes to dropping an aesop on the viewer. Hey Arnold worked because it understood characters as people with dimensions and went very realistic when it really wanted to make an impact. To me, you can totally make a statement to kids that

This isn't about you.

Easter Egg Macguffin.

The worst aspect for me is that it still just plays right into the hands of those who like Trump and Pence, by booing him at a liberal darling musical makes him seem like a hero for going into the den of the opposition and besides a few boos coming out mostly clean. We only confirm their biases and while they're full

On a day where the president-to-be just settled on those lawsuits against his fraudulent "university", we're getting distracted by this. Generally speaking, I figure allowing a conman to get away with fraud before he is installed into one of the highest positions of power on Earth because his VP-elect will take the

That's exactly where our attention should be, making light that ol' T just settled that whole Trump U crap but hey, Pence went to Hamilton and got booed, really doing good things to help change minds there.

Libertarian nihilists?

It's like his third heart, he doesn't even need it but he keeps hoarding random organs for "future insurance".

So you're just describing a sociopath… not really the right people who you want in power, unthinking power hoarders with no scruples.

That's quite the Would You Rather conundrum. So no Seinfeld but we get Hillary…. would we get Curb at least?

They probably were Berniebros right up until they weren't, they're libertarian only upto the point of the things they want to be able to do.

Hubris will be the downfall of the left, it's like an innate flaw to be so self-assured that we feel it'll just happen and end up completely aghast when our complacency ends up fucking us over.

Or offer an alicorn, they're like both and even more mythical!

True but complacency is a tough nut to crack, "First they came for X but I did not speak out because I wasn't X" does tap into a certain grade of disinterest in the human psyche.

I liked him too, I figure it's just a touch too close to some raw nerves right now which in a way also makes it more impactful in my eyes. To me, it shows that while your asshole uncle can be unrepentant, it's not without reason and sometimes letting them open up allows them to adjust to the new normal in their lives.

You shippers really don't need much to convince you of your OTPs, huh?

Settle down, Venn Diagram.

Some theme park, this isn't really one either.

Been thinking that since his mother died, really screwed with his mind I think.

That wasn't a theme park, it was an exhibition.