Comedy Gold Jerry

Really? Hm, please don't let it fall into the overly mawkish bathos hole that Scrubs/Enlisted fell into regularly. Be funny, don't make me feel, that's the contract.

Come on, cantaloupe!

It's pleasant around here… maybe too pleasant, this feels wrong for The Comics Page to be happy. Maybe we just need more small cute shipping comics.

Lil' Baby Jesus.

Eh, Fallon is a sycophant who'll suck up to whoever, this only confirms it but doesn't really make him worse… that's only because there's no lower to fall short of a murder spree or a sex scandal but yeah.

Is Jimmy Fallon really all that bad?

But it was comedy gold!

Above Adult Swim's so around upper low to middle brow.

This is a pretty highbrow show for Adult Swim. Probably would mean really upping the violence on Zephyria.

There is someone there to fill in so they do have someone to bounce off at least.

You're merely an AI running at 30%.

Absolutely not, that way madness lies.

Yup, definitely Billy West voicing.

It is ineffective, the inner bag is sealed. You are eaten by a grue.


Probably have the laugh beats worked out in the writers room beforehand so they can insert any sweetening where they assumed natural laughter would be.

… Yes but also all of the above which includes Paul yelling at me.

Not when he's yelling at me.

Most people who read aren't commenting, if we had a Facebook commenting system we'd see a whole heap more. There's a silent majority out there folks and I mean an actual silent majority, not the one which yells about how silent they are.

D'Fwan forgot his catchphrase.