Comedy Gold Jerry

One word, laudanum.

Where did you hear such a crazy thing like that? They're actually looking to really up their count of frivolous articles!

"FOC: We may have been wrong on Dawes"

Ongoing since mid-2015!

I suppose, feel like it'd at least centralise all the complaining that's going on anyway.

Because content stripping is making people annoyed, they're replacing their well-written content with…. this and they're unhappy about it. They stopped reviewing it only a week or so ago yet post this as a cold reminder, it's like a "fuck you" because it's so halfassed.

Official (as in John Teti's) word is that it was entirely a financial decision given AVC's been running a bit heavy for a while now so shows not pulling their weight got nixed. GJI pays the bills, that's why it persists but the random cuts are basically a numbers game. Hearing this in a newswire article would have

Pretentious, confusing comic would be enough. Personally, I feel this one is worse, it's not as bad as the last artist but yeah, those confusing comics really lit a fire under some folk and they still come back every week to see if it hit that particular note again.

This comic series is really just doing a whole Funky Winkerbean/Batiukian "everyone's in purgatory" thing, isn't it?

Once when not in reference to a name but sure, I'll take softening attitudes towards furries where I can get it.

With 99% less misogyny!

Guess so if we're just stretching the meaning of "furry" to mean "any animal".

It's still okay, at least there's a structured story even if it feels like it's going in for deep feels which is nice, good to have a sense of poignancy sometimes. Still not sold on the art and the dialogue feels awkward and skewing a bit too youthful coming from characters defined as an old couple playing catch up

I wouldn't say that, it's a simplistic way of seeing it. A film still needs to be good regardless of what money it makes, some do that hence why they make the money at all just like there's good indie films but it's the slightly rarefied attitude that's taken of populism being a total negative regardless of quality.

All they need now is to grab Todd back from Vox and it'll be like old times!

He's our next president, if you believe his ranting.

No, not yet though you pose it like "just give it time" is a fair response. I just think it's more the pretension a lot seem to have which makes them scoff at such box office titans and those who watch them like they're lesser for doing so which really gets me. Those films can be good but they're not better just

Some, some have been. Others have been mysteries unto themselves but Teti has always been great at explaining stuff, it's just giving it due prominence where things go a bit weird.

I hate indie movie fans, they are truly the goddamned worst.

Perfect companion piece to Lady Dynamite, both brilliantly funny but also cut to the core of dealing with mental health issues. So very excited to have my depressive talking animal buddies back.