Comedy Gold Jerry

Sometimes, it might just be. I don't know what I'm marked down as, maybe just a plain unadorned "moron".

I did pick this one but not because of her age but because of how it was reported and how people need to stop saying "fuck 2016", it's not going to save those we want to save, it won't save anyone and we need to just deal in a way that won't burn us out. Not really words people want to hear but just because I don't

It was like this before, it'll be like this after too, you're right. Random deaths like this too will also happen, I guess I'm just lost about why the reactions are getting more and more.. reactionary, like it's a bubble of hyperemotionality.

Yeah, thanks for entirely missing my point which wasn't about if they should report on it or not.

What about our less beloved?

Just that while this death was senseless, there's been many more just as senseless but unreported. We've been hit with it a lot this year so far with major celebrity deaths that we're almost pleading to get rid of death so we don't experience loss, even if statistically it's not an abnormally high death rate this year.

I feel like we're not handling death as a collective very well anymore.


I think I'd kill that Slapstick countless times without a lick of remorse.

I'm seeing double here, four Jeff Goldblums?

Nobody wanted a site full of Nabin nonsense, that's why The Dissolve failed.

Hm, is this the anti-comedy I've been warned about?

Yeah, we like our comedy suitable for TV-14!

Of course while This Is That merely deconstructed it, Last Week Tonight ABSOULTELY SKULLFUCKED TED Talks when they did theirs because they don't deconstruct, they destroy and pick over the remains.

It's sometimes pleasing to see AVC phone it in with a minor tour around the city.

Be aware of where you are right now, Son.

We haven't done proper snark in ages, they keep cutting our supply with chalkdust.

Yeah, tell me about it, only 3 episodes aired in the US, rest aired in Malaysia if you'd believe but I mean the other other MLP.

You lied to me Dennis, you promised me charm!

I'd like to see a Squirrel Girl series, preferably animated but distinctly not within the really dull Marvel Animated Universe. It gets to be its own thing, taking cues from USG's Doreen and kinda capturing that visual style but I'll take a live-action UKS alike show instead should animation be considered too low-brow.