
So the answer to the title is nothing?

That’s one beautiful Cobra

I’m trying to figure it out too...

Search Lotus Evora 400? Or I could just go to your website,

What. is.. this... masterpiece!?

I know it won’t happen but it doesn’t hurt to mention it in hopes this helps them realize this isn’t something that is wanted... wishful thinking.

It’s possible, its the 20th anniversary of Pokemon and Pokken Tournament is not the big thing for 2016.

Only when the placement of the livery is good, so no.

My brother has 2 760s that he said he’ll give me so that’s a good enough start.

That’s mot what I’m asking for, there are some games out there that take advantage of the hardware’s specs, Tomb Raider, Forza 6, Forza Horizon 2, MGSV, etc. I know that home consoles aren’t the be all end all by any stretch of the imagination.

That’s what I’m considering now, my brother has a lot of experience in building PCs so I’ll get some tips from him.

This is what upsets me, I’m waiting on “next gen” games to actually feel like “next gen” games, don’t get me wrong there are a few that certainly stepped it up but generally I don’t see the innovation or increased quality I would expect. Back to NFS, Ghost is going in the right direction, it has a good base (I’ve

Yikes! Those are pretty awful! The TB and tuning are just risks you run when modding, comes with the territory lol

Lava Red is one of the best colors offered on 11-12 Mustangs! I’ve only seen two, ever. What problems were you having?

If I had the money, no.

How can you not like this?! HOW?!

You know... I have no idea what you meant to convey with this video but thank you! The world needs to see this man.

I’m happy that Toyota has started this green initiative. I wonder what this will do to the prices of their vehicles.

Set it free... It deserves to be free

One without working heat or air conditioning.