America's two most notable Irishman (since Ted Kennedy passed): Shaq, & CoCo.
America's two most notable Irishman (since Ted Kennedy passed): Shaq, & CoCo.
@Steve U: Knowing this proposal is coprocentric, & recalling his time at Deadspin, C'lay realized it only proper to use the name Drew for this endeavour. Can't help on the Irish surname, though. (Maybe he thought it were Mc Garrigle?)
@Beer-Fart: Cavendish is best served cold.
My stepfather is half-deaf — don't tell him that — so the tee-vee at his & mom's place is set to CC at all times. Always awesome when a "fuck" or "cocksucker" gets bleeped, but spelled out for the hearing impaired.
@Gamboa Constrictor: Xinhua News Agency might be showing this, at the least.
@TotallyRuckedUp: Catch a falling star & put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day...
@GiselleBeardchen: A more traditional bulbous door opener, or the more contemporary door-lever? Would seem an easier fit the latter... But then, I remember, these are addicts, so they're prolly pretty loose.
The South Will Rise Again!
& yet, Bob Mc Ginn ("Brett Favre Jizz Rag") cites Rodgers's performance in Arizona as abysmal. Yes, the early pick was inexcusable, & one shouldn't have to rely on a facemask to overturn a winning fumble, but come on! If Sanchez had a day liks Rodgers did, win or lose (esp. the latter, prolly), the hosannas would be…
Just trying to burnish his SHOTY credentials for next year.
Has shared a partner with Kevin Spacey.
@rulesboy: +1 Big Hurt
At this point, my Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church brothers only take the pro-life position since each abortion now committed is decreasing the potential victim pool.
The law is just putting the clamps on a frottage industry because they're jealous.
As much as I hate the tasteful name "Gregg", I hope Williams bring the hurt on the childhood Cowboys fan Favre.
@CumaeanSibyl: My first-grade teacher pulled that rap about the fat slug & his buddy who tied me to a chain-link fence with a jump-rope during recess. Didn't buy it then, won't buy it now.
@WhatWouldTebowDo?: Rudoph the Red-blooded American Patriot, had a very shiny explosives collection. & if you ever saw it, you would even say it glowed. All of the other American libtard commies used to laugh & call him names; they never let poor Rudolph join in any Satanic games. Then one merry Olympics eve, Rudolph…
@Karlifornia: Pam Tebow's on top of the world, looking down on creation...
Stand... & fail to deliver.