Come a little Miroslav Klose You're My Kind of Man

What else can you expect from an attorney licenced by the American Honky-Tonk Bar Association?

Julia Allison has just seen what she'll look like at 40. Now, if only JA knew to keep her mouth shut, like this Trahan.

Cat's dead. Yusuf Islam, please.

This is what happens when the NCAA bars beer sales at its venue.

That SNL mock United Way ad was prescient.

The Frogs make Deadspin. Praise Be!

@Matt Gagliardi: Sergio's national newspaper (El Pais) used "Tiger se retira". Tomato, tomahto.

Looks like Hanson's seen a ghost... ride the whip.

("One high-profile recruit, she says, tried to lure her to his hotel room, saying, "The girls at Kentucky and Georgia did it.")

@rulesboy: Ditto. I commented from the #hashtag page for #burrito, & still saw my question post, here. Either I am still doing it wrong, or there's a convenient glitch via which even more commenters can be culled by the KOSUSSGAINES SUPER FANTASTIC ORIENTAL ASSASSIN SQUAD 3000.

@Dandy Koufax: More likely he was taking EGH — Equine Growth Hormone. H has nothing to do with it.

@SteveJeltzFan: Chipotle, Q'Doba, Taco Bell, Del Taco, or "this one hole-in-the-wall &/or cart in the city in which I went to college"?

@NOMAH: Zombientwistle? Yes, I'll watch that.

@THE MENTALIST!: Andie Mc Dowel was nublie in '07? Is she Benjamina Button?

Given this & the Pedro Martinez three L jersey, I suppose Barry is trying to take over UniWatch, too.

@Anna: I apologize that you had to promote that comment to respond to it. But I guess I'll just go home now, with my hard-on.

Keith van Horn. Sam Cassell. Jayson Williams.