
"I'm having trouble coming up with many examples, but that's because it
seems to be way more popular for the non-apology, "I'm sorry you feel
that way," which nobody falls for anymore and does not lend itself to

Best comment.

Yea man. If Sharp was playing root-note bass-lines on this album it would *totally* be better.

"Wind in Our Sail in particular makes my skin crawl, like I'm trapped looking at the paintings in a 1990s dentist's office."

Those aren't bad lyrics in my opinion. 'Goddamn, this business is really lame' is debatable, but I always saw it as Rivers being deliberately un-poetic and coarse for humorous effect.

Yea, the 'Hurley is a return to form' narrative is one that I never really followed. Raditude was awful, but at least it tried a couple of new ideas. Hurley was just dull. I seriously suspect that any critic who termed it a 'comeback' didn't really get what was so good about Weezer in the first place, and was just

"I thought that the Green album is a secretly sad album hiding behind a poppy facade."

I'm skeptical of Sharp's claims about contributing to the songwriting, as I don't understand why he wouldn't have been credited when Rivers was happy to credit Pat and even Jason Cropper for co-writing credits on Blue for contributions that were pretty minimal. And why would he only bring it up years later, rather

This. Every other artist I've liked has at least had the decency to slowly decline in quality, or just release one crap album before returning to form. But Weezer… to disappear for five years after two classic albums, then release six terrible albums in a row is just unheard of.

I like Weezer better when I imagine that Green, Maladroit, Make Believe, Red, Raditude and Hurley were just Rivers acting out in response to the critical drubbing that Pinkerton got on it's release. It's like he thought 'Don't like my heartfelt, emotional masterpiece, do you? Well how do you like *this*?! *Produces

Greatest is indeed brilliant. Though it did lead me to having false hope for the rest of the Red Album, which turned out to be a car crash.

Perfect Situation is a fantastic song, but there's something off about it for me. Maybe it's the horrible production, or maybe it's just the feeling that Rivers didn't really mean the lyrics and was just reprising the 'lonely teen' persona because that's what's expected of him. It's a shame because musically it's

"Too many people just want Blue and Pinkerton again and again, and that's just not possible."

A factual statement about what critics have said is a weird thing to find cute, but if that's what does it for you then who am I to judge?

Oh, and your definitely not being grossly unfair about your assessment of 'We Are All On Drugs'.

Me neither, but the critics and the band have.

I was skeptical too, but this album is superb. Mellower than EWBAITE but much more consistent.

You're in for a treat. They both wipe the floor with Make Believe.

Indeed. Weezer have always been goofy, but early Weezer was goofy while also being clever and likable. Middle-period Weezer was just goofy for the sake of it, without any wit, charisma or decent music to back it up.

The Album Five demos that Weezer put out were easily as bad / mediocre as anything on Make Believe, don't kid yourself. ('Pwwwodigy Wuvver!') And I've never understood the status of Matt Sharp among Weezer fans - yes, he played on their first two brilliant albums and The Rentals are good, but he had *nothing* to do