
I think another factor that is being greatly overlooked is the amount of storage space required on the servers of both Google and Amazon. Because everything is based through iTunes, the amount of storage used by an iCloud user is very minimal. From all I can see, music in iCloud is not necessarily stored specifically

@KamWrex: I completely understand where you are coming from, however, when you compare it to other trade-in avenues beyond eBay is where the Best Buy surcharges become ridiculous.

Are you serious? I have a 1400 minute plan with unlimited texting already. With this I will be able to save money by going to the 700 minute plan because I don't call anybody who doesn't have a cell phone. Thats going to save me $20 a month. Definitely not a fail. I can think of other situations where this will

I worked hard in MS Paint to get that point across and now my comment can't get promoted becuase of this shitty new layout. ... or because nobody thought it was funny... hmm....

"It's essentially two average Androids stitched together through some perverse design surgery."

@Y2KGTP: Yeah... but AT&T is on their capped data plan kick. If you compare price, the AT&T plan is cheaper for tethering/hotspot at $45 as opposed to $50 at VZW. The only difference is the capped data plan. If you can stay under 4GB, though, you can save $5 (!).

@Y2KGTP: Yep. $25 for the 2GB data plan, $20 for the tethering/hotspot feature and the additional 2GB of data.

@Nassin: Sort of, yes. But it says devices, not necessarily phones. It could be phones, tablets, or even PMP's— yes I know the latter is less likely.

@Denver is too damn high: I hate to be picky, but this is worldwide. In the States, the Symbian numbers are nowhere near as high.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: After AT&T announced their upcoming Android line-up at CES, I definitely think you're right about the company not resting on their iPhone laurels. Three new high-end HSPA+ Androids in Q2 I believe. Not the mention the Motorola Atrix (dual-core with a laptop attachment).

@Walternate: i absolutely love everything about this comment.

@Settings: So he is going to be kind enough to return the phone to its rightful owner, but be a dick about how much he paid to get it back? And why can't it be expected that he get the money he paid for the phone back?

@Caturday Yet?: Why not? Maybe to you $27 and half a pack of cigs isn't much, but to others it is. I also know that if I lost my iPhone I wouldn't have a problem paying a $27 finder's fee.

@ElephantFace: Jimmy McMillan would like a word with you...

@fearing: Let the hair splitting begin...

@fearing: You're splitting hairs.

@WhoKnew?: Back in the day, I never knew exactly what to do to avoid those bombs in this game.

@Sloopydrew: Thank you, sir. I truly thank you.