Coma the Doof Warrior

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

I'm a big fan of "Body Talk", and while "Feel It Break" is darker and gothier, I feel the latter is the better album.

"All depends on the circumstances and arrangement."

Maybe in 2017, Dan can branch out into giving other types of advice.

Worse - we're the ones bringing the cats everywhere!

Not necessarily. If there is a character who acts human, looks human, and thinks he's human, and you react to him as if he were human, then the fuzziness can indeed be meaningful.

"But I thought it was important that the audience be able to have a human representative on screen, somebody that they could have an emotional understanding of. Ridley didn’t think that was all that important.”

Okay, so I'm burying this here, in an article posted several hours ago on a Friday. Everyone's going to go off and spend their weekend doing their own cool things. No one's going to read this, no one's going to respond, and that's fine. And if you do read this, just remember I'm a crazy dude who's posting this in the

Wake me up when Sethember ends.

I think my chart is messed-up. It says you're the love-child of philosophy professors from late Tito-era Yugoslavia. Or is that right on the money?

In the words of a friend: "You're Gen X if Dr. Crusher was your hot older space crush. You're Millennial if Dr. Crusher was your cool space mom."

I'd never heard of this movie until your comment, but Wikipedia cites a review from The Guardian that says it's "like watching Solaris performed by sock puppets," and now I'm intrigued.

You're probably right! It's been forever since I read the books.

If memory serves, there was some weird sex stuff and consent issues once the Mule showed up, but before that, the characters might as well have been completely asexual.

Then in the sixth book, one of the Bene Gesserit has sex with a 10-year-old boy to free the mind of an 80-year-old general trapped in the boy's body, and it's just another reminder that Frank Herbert was a dirty, dirty old man.

I mean, I didn't like it, but plenty of my Trekker friends did. And I love The Voyage Home, and that's apparently unpopular around these parts. But the Star Trek movies have had time travel, time-travelling whales, Age of Sail opera, Cold War allegories, and Kirk fighting God. There's something for everyone! All you

Plus the concept of the show is literally: "in the future, humans encounter weird shit." Sometimes they have to fight it, sometimes they have to befriend it. Sometimes it's on a ship, sometimes it's on a station. Sometimes there's a war, sometimes god-like aliens show up with mariachi bands. It's Doctor Who with

You joke, but the availability of old NCIS episodes was what converted my parents to using streaming services!

Umberto Eco wrote a book about them, didn't he?

Comes with two droplets of water.